How To Make Your Ex Miss You & Want You Back & Regret You

You need to be and stay positive! Don’t let yourself sink under the waves of the relationship life. How to make your ex miss you when you two aren’t even in communication with each other?

Figuring out how to could surely be your golden choice to getting your ex back in the living room.

Needless to say, it’s no effortless deed.

secret phrase to say to your boyfriend

Is It Something He SECRETLY Craves?

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Getting back together explains everything you’ll need to know to make sure your ex will think about you all the time.

Think about this: your ex isn’t only thinking about moving on, and if you do the right things, you’ll be able to return to the first chapter of your love story.


make your ex miss you


You could make him adore You. You just have to go in with some wise patience. And try one more ticket at this lottery.

When you lose the love of your life, it is not uncommon to have one goal in mind.

Every person trying to get back together with their ex is dreaming of one thing: their ex-partner back in their arms.

You’re probably waking up every morning hoping to see a text message sent overnight in which your ex is asking to come back.

Your ex isn’t only thinking about moving on, and if you do the right things, you’ll be able to return to the first chapter of your love story.

Because the relationship has started in a new direction, rekindling the romance can be just as hard as getting back with the ex.

There are a few new rules to know, and they are the following:


1. Getting back together can be a whole new ballgame.


In the early chapters of your relationship, you enjoyed each other’s company. You had fun together; it was love.

But things changed, you had to decide that you were going to stay. You and your ex are apart is just as hard as not meeting again.

The best way to get back with your ex is to make him feel even if you want to do it. Don’t let him wonder. If you don’t want him to chase you, don’t have sex with him right away. Make him chase you.

If your ex has already started courting you, and you really want him back, the best way is to be discreet and wait for his response. You cant let him have a moment of freedom without knowing what he wants. It is tough to stay mad at your ex if you try to get back together.


how to make your ex miss you over text


2. Tell him you love him.


If you have been away for long, you should tell him you love him again. Don’t let it get stale, and make him feel you genuinely love him.

If you have been apart for a long time and still want him back, you should avoid fighting. This will bring him back into your life more and give you a more realistic picture of what is involved in a long-term relationship.

How to get back with him is to keep the rules and to be discreet. If you follow the rules, you will not be tempted to be sneaky. You will know what you want out of him, and you will make him chase you.

You can also do the following:


3. Don’t sleep with him immediately.


It would be best if you made sure he has respect for you and the relationship.

Make him feel, and make him know that you really do love him.

Tell him you love him.

If you can’t find this out, take him to his favorite restaurant or movie, even if it is not your favorite.

The attraction he feels for you is enough for him to take you back.

I think that you must understand that men are sometimes weird and rather bizarre creatures. Some very pretty young lady was asking, ‘Why do all my exes want me back?’ as some fancy guy had left her for a no-name lady, as she was saying, an ugly person. Or read more about these strange ideas and facts here.


4. Make him feel good, and take him out with your family.


Make him understand that you care for him deeply. Don’t have sex with him as soon as you give him a chance.

Tell him you love him. Could you not take his proposal for a date?

You have to feel the emotion that you want him to be returned to you.

The problem with the majority of women, they have sex with their ex so quickly and then have him back out in a few months.

You can also make him fall in love with you in several ways.


how to make ex miss you and regret you


5. Give him small gifts that he likes. How to make your ex miss you without talking to him. At least, not too much…


There are a lot of approaches to do this.

You can write him little notes and put them in his lunch, or even the back of his car. You can buy him things that he likes.

If he likes wine, buy him some. You can give him some of your wine after a date.

You can also send him some wine if you think that he would like it.

The key with these little things is that they have to be things that he has some control over because if it isn’t, you can still get him to like you.


6. If he likes to go out, and you don’t, tell him that you would like to go out sometime.


If he does, give him a heads up.

You can also ask him what he would like to do.

Ask him if he wants to go out again sometime.

If he says yes, you can make him want to go out.


7. When he is home, you can also ask him to do a chore for you.


You can also make him do an assignment for you. If he does, you can give him some of his pay.

Tell him that it was a pleasure. You can also buy him things that he would like to have.

You can also make him appreciate you even more. The main thing is to show him how much you want him. After he respects you, he will want you even more. And then, you can work on building a deeper connection with him.

How to make your ex miss you? You can make him adore you now.

You have to go in with some patience. You can try to make him realize what you want and make him understand what you need. You can also make him work to fulfill you. After you do that, you can make him love you even more.


make my ex miss me


8. Your past was excruciating, and you put all the blame on your ex.


The very fact that you are still attached to your ex-partner means that the two of you have been hooked up in an emotional relationship. And emotions carry energy.

This emotional energy of your ex-partner has been coursing through your system for a very long time. And even if you could somehow get your ex-partner back, it wouldn’t necessarily solve your own personal relationship issues.

Suppose you are still trying to make sense of your ex-partner. In that case, there is an excellent chance that you are not processing what is happening with your own relationships.

You are still trying to use your ex-partner to learn your lessons about yourself. Why don’t you join with your ex-partner in learning the lessons about yourself?


You have no one to accuse but yourself for the way that you are functioning.


This process of making sense of your relationships, your ex-partners, can be excruciating.

On the other hand, if you are learning to become the person you want to be, you will be learning to let go of what doesn’t work in your relationships. No more thinking and suffering at the idea of how to make your ex miss you, regret you, and understand his lost chances with such a lovely lady as you.

Whether it’s with your ex-partners or any other person.

There is no cause for anyone to be in your life if it doesn’t feel good.


9. How to make my ex think about me constantly. Nobody could blame you for feeling this way.


It is understandable. However, the fact remains that you are not helping yourself.

You will be a bundle of negative emotions at the same time, desperately trying to get your ex back. Or making any headway in winning back the affection of your ex.

If you are attached to any outcome in your relationships, you will learn to let go of the result if you try to get your ex-partner back.

In fact, you will be learning to let go.


10. How to make your ex miss you? Maybe you should learn more about letting go.


The only way you will understand the lessons about yourself is to let go of the result in your relationship. Otherwise, you will be a prisoner of the circumstances that you are hooked up within your relationship.

If your relationships are not working well, do not continue trying to force your solution on your partner.

There is no way to do this and come out the other end with the same person. You are just reinforcing what is not working in your relationship.


alone and busy


Instead, focus on what you want in your relationship and let go of what isn’t working.


This can be as straightforward as learning to listen to your partner and permit yourself to have an affection-free day if you are not having one.

You will have studied enough to be able to do this in any relationship that you are in.

If you have been in multiple relationships, you will have learned enough.

I often hear people say things like, “I have tried to work on my emotions, but my partner just refuses to take it seriously.” So, first off, where does “refusing to take it seriously” have to stop? But it won’t stop there. What is this person not wanting you to? If this is essential to your happiness, you must learn to refuse.

“But I don’t want to be offended all the time!”

So, first off, where is this refusal to be angry about? Or any emotion really having to do with your partner?

Surely it would be delightful to be able to be happy without getting upset all the time.

You would definitely be satisfied even when you are in the middle of a massive storm. So, where is the sense of happiness in your relationship?

“I just can’t find the words to explain my feelings about this…”

So, first off, where is the sense of explanation in your feelings?


Why do you have to explain your feelings?


Why can’t you just be? Or maybe you do want to describe your feelings but are not sure how? You can undoubtedly tell anyone how you feel at any time.

You have to explain your feelings, though, if they ask you to explain them. So, where is the sense of urgency in all of this? What is the hurry to get this “stuff” done?

I can go on and on, but I think you get the idea.

Suppose you think about all of the things that are not working in your relationship. In that case, you can see the possibility of what you can do differently. And suppose you think about what you do want to do differently in your relationship. In that case, you can see the possibility of how to get it.


silence and thinking


Make things work for you…


For instance, if you think about all of the things that are working against you in your relationship, you can see the possibility of how to change those things to make things work for you.

But then, if you think about what you really do want to get done in your relationship, you can see the possibility of how to do it.

So, you have to find something that you really do want to get done in your relationship. You have to find something important to you, and you have to find something working against you.


What do you do with that information?


But if you do find it, what do you do with that information?

You have to see the positive aspect of that experience, and you have to see how it makes you better as a person. You have to know the part of your relationship that is working for you. And once you do that, you can see the possibility of how to get that accomplished as well.


She didn’t know how to get him to notice her.


Here is an example that I found pretty interesting. A woman was talking about a breakup of her relationship. She was lamenting the fact that she thought she found the right guy. She wanted to get back together with this guy and stay happy.

But after the break up she realized that there was a lot of potential in this guy. It was just that she didn’t know how to get him to notice her.

She said that even though he was a great guy, he was boring and didn’t have many interests. She was always too involved with her career, work, and business management.

Then when this guy decided to get back together with her, she was completely prepared. She knew that she would make an effort to spend more time with him and get to know him better.

She was hoping that things would change from bad to good with him.

But after few dates, nothing good started happening. The relationship was not getting better with her.


Debatable solution…


She was feeling a bit desperate now and decided to go for another guy.

Then this woman told me that she didn’t know how to get him to notice her. She said that she was doing everything right, but it still wasn’t working.

Then she found an online article that she thought would help her out. She read this article about three or four times, and then it all came back to her.

It was then when she realized that what she really wanted was to get noticed by him.

She tried to be remarked by him and get what she wanted from their relationship.


The point is, you want to see changes because they are positive.


It was tough for me to give you advice if I did not know what you were dealing with.

The best I could offer is to provide you with a list of things you can do to change the problems in your former relationship if you choose to try to continue it.

As you do these things, you will find yourself becoming happier and more connected. You will find yourself feeling more trustworthy and less vulnerable. It may take some time to see the changes that you desire.

And there may be times when these changes are minimal, and then later, they grow larger.

The point is, you want to see these changes because they are positive. This is a sign of positive changes. Or aren’t they?



Frequently Asked Questions




How to make your ex-boyfriend regret breaking up with you?

A detailed plan about how to make your ex miss you certainly would give you hope. Now I know that the idea of using a plan may not sound appealing right now, but it does work. It worked in rocky relationships, and it will work in your current relationship as well.
The first step to getting back together after a breakup is to admit the truth. It is time to look in the mirror. It is time to see the person who you used to be. The person you were may very well be the same person you are now and the same person who is now broke, lonely, and suffering. This is not helplessness, but you need some help. This person is also going through a tough time right now and requires some support, but is not helpless.
The second step to getting back together after a breakup is to take responsibility. This person, your ex, also needs to be in charge of the situation. If you want to get back together, you have to go all-in for the relationship and start working to make it work. Your ex may or may not like that attitude, but this is what you have to do. When your ex sees your effort to save your relationship, they will also know that you are trying to keep the relationship. If your ex sees the hard-working, strong, and responsible side of you, they will also understand that you are still all in for the connection. This may or may not work. But either way, you will be happier.
Now, the third step to getting back together after a breakup is to accept the reality. Your ex may or may not get back together with you. But I hope your ex will understand that they made a huge mistake, a mistake that is hard to recoup. The reality is that the relationship can not be saved by one person. Still, both of you need to work with the one person who initially decided to end the relationship.

How to make your ex miss you? Please, insist on the psychology…

You must be friendly to your ex. Even though you may feel that they deserve it, the reality is that they do not, so you have to be fair and lovely.
It would help if you always tried to understand their needs. Even if you think it is unfair or too much, you have to be friendly to the ex. The reason is that you never know what the future holds. So you have to try to be as considerate as you can to the ex so that they can get back together with you.
It is crucial that the ex come back to you. But it is also vital that you don’t ignore reality. You have to see your relationship from a broader perspective. The reason is that the connection has been cut off from your daily life for a long time. So there are bound to be misunderstandings. The reality is that the relationship will not die, and the relationship has to be revived. The reason is that you never know what the future holds, so you have to be prepared.
The above are just some of the aspects of the relationship that you have to be aware of. There are many more that I have left out. But they are all critical. In addition, if there are things you have done in the past that hurt your ex’s feelings, you have to apologize for to confront a suspected cheating husband

How to make your ex miss you without talking?

As I have already said, if you have done things in the past that hurt your ex’s feelings, you have to apologize for it. However, before you make an apology, you have to talk about it with your ex. And you have to explain to them that you agree that your actions hurt their feelings and that you are sorry. Also, you have to understand your mistakes. So that they don’t think that you are trying to avoid admitting that your actions hurt their feelings, sometimes, another solution might work. For instance, suppose you will start dating your ex again due to, let’s say, your social media and text messages initiatives. In that case, you should establish a primary contact rule.
How to make your ex miss you could be extremely challenging. There needs to be, between you, some dating coach or a relationship coach. What would this person, this coach do in this awkward, embarrassing situation (suppose you have chosen to meet again in your class)? It is pretty obvious. If you choose not to talk, the coach will take it over from you, both of you, and try to do his best…



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PS. Please, consider my words and advice and wise considerations as a personal opinion, nothing else. I am no guru, and, unfortunately, I cannot, therefore, guarantee happiness (in wealth or marriage or happiness or mental health, whatever situation; if you are thinking about serious consequences, see a lawyer, please; my advice or words or jokes or whatever couldn’t in any way or form replace a thorough qualified legal opinion; please, act very, very wisely, please).

I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog post, ’How To Make Your Ex Miss You & Want You Back & Regret You.’ More valuable content on this fascinating matter is here and here; click the links, and they will open new windows in your pre-existing browser. The images are from the “Captiva Collection,” Wedding, Pregnancy People (1), and Romance by David Watson (I’ve got the copyright). All rights reserved.

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