How To End An Affair Without Losing Your Memorable Bliss

There is a void in your life. Your routine breaks down, and you feel uncomfortable. How to end an affair without blurring your memorable moments?

How to end an emotional liaison, and is it the right thing to terminate it?

You feel like you’re not attractive or exciting anymore.

secret phrase to say to your boyfriend

Is It Something He SECRETLY Craves?

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You feel like you’re not the person that you used to be.

It is not fun. It’s lonely.

But, the absence of withdrawal doesn’t mean a lack of life.

You’re still a person with needs and wants and a life with responsibilities.

You’re still a human being with flaws, with feelings.


how to end an emotional affair


When affairs turn to love, why are emotional relationships so hard to end?


You need to understand that your affair partner’s feelings and thoughts are their own in the end. They have their own experiences and emotions that come and go.

They have to work out the relationship on their own.

The affair partners’ reasons for the affair are their own.

There is no incentive for you to pay attention to their excuses, explanations, or their circumstances for the affair.

They are responsible for their own thoughts and feelings; in the end, the affair partner’s feelings and reasons are their own.

You must do three things to end your affair and get yourself to get back to life and/or a prior relationship.


The first major thing is to end the affair.


Stop doing what you are doing. Stop the running around and the sneaking and the hiding. The first step is to end the affair. It is hard to do.

You will get yourself mixed up in all kinds of things. You will have to tell your lover, and even then, their attentions may not be returned.

Do not give your heart entirely to your paramour, for this may not be reciprocated. Make yourself so attractive that your paramour may want to come back to you.

If you wish your paramour to come back to you, take your efforts to prevent him or her from leaving you.


The second thing is to give yourself totally to your paramour.


You can’t entirely give yourself to someone else if you are thinking about yourself. Take your efforts to do all that you can to be irresistible to your paramour.

Do all that is possible to make your paramour feel all that they could wish for.

You will not have to work as arduous because your lover is doing all necessary to make you feel fulfilled.


The third thing is to be careful to end your affair the right way.


You can’t use violence or threaten to tell your lover.

This will make your paramour leave you. It would help if you made your paramour leave you in the first place.

It is unnecessary to keep secrets if you tell the right thing. End your affair the right way.

Avoid any kind of confrontation that may prevent your paramour from leaving you.


Avoid violence, all the more because it will not help.


You have to prevent your paramour from leaving you in the first place.

This may require a bit of manipulation.

You may have to do this all the more when your paramour makes a mistake.

All you have to do is tell your paramour about the error, and your paramour will leave you.



After the liaison | A look at how to deal with the aftermath of an affair.


First, you will have to accept that married men are looking for sex, romance, love, and an emotional connection with you.

Now, you can debate all you like about the value of sex in marriage, but if that is what he needs, there is nothing wrong with giving it to him.

He has had sex with you and the other women at the church picnic, and so, if he wants to indulge in more, it is entirely up to you.

You can refuse all you like, but he will resent the fact that he has been denied what he wants.


This is more complicated than it seems.


Secondly, you need to be ready for all manner of things to go wrong with the relationship.

If he gets a tattoo or develops a hairdo, you will have to adjust and deal with this. No one can tell you that you’re handling this perfectly when you’re the wife and he’s the man.

Suppose he’s cheating, and you’re not sure of the truth of what you’re hearing from the other woman. In that case, this can result in arguments, screaming matches, and even one or both of you fleeing to the mountains or the nearest pub where you can cool down and sort things out.

The fact remains that affairs are rarely a simple matter and usually require you to be willing to face a range of awkward emotions.

These emotions are difficult to talk about and can even result in conflict and arguments.

The biggest problem when dealing with how to end an affair is often understanding what exactly your partner wants and how this relates to yours.

And, it would be best if you were strong enough to face the truth.

If you need to learn how to confront a cheating spouse, remember that in an affair, the standard rules of relationships don’t apply; click the link to find out.


wise quotes about life, love and affairs


It would help if you were realistic. How to end an adulterous relationship.


Finally, it would be best if you were realistic.

It is unlikely that he will just stop being unfaithful tomorrow morning.

This is something you must plan for and consider whether you are willing to deal with this before you start throwing around accusations.

A sudden temper tantrum by your husband might help with the affair but will likely result in you starting to worry about how much he likes the color maroon.

Implying that you’re upset because of his cheating will likely cause him to shut down and put up barriers, which is where the ‘other woman’ comes in.


Ending an affair with someone you love… The ‘other woman’ comes in…


The ‘other woman’ is likely to be a stranger to you who has suddenly appeared out of nowhere. She may not even be conscious that she is married to your husband.

Her motives may be to score with your husband, get back at him for something, pay him forward for something, or simply have someone available when you are unavailable.

The affair may be ongoing, or it may be over.

It may even have no connection to your life at all.

I Just Found Out My Husband Cheated On Me. What Should I Do?‘ First thing, keep reading and read the articles this post leads to.


It is not your place to challenge her sexual preferences.


It is only when she makes you feel appreciated that you might address what is really happening.

You must always look to yourself to ensure that the affair and its aftermath are dealt with.


breaking off


This will involve identifying the needs you feel are not being met, deciding how best to meet these needs, and then making sure that these needs are met. You cannot always rely on your partner to meet your needs.

If you feel that your needs have been ignored, you will have to deal with this from the inside.


There is no way that your partner will meet all your needs.


In truth, there is no way that your partner will meet all your needs. He may tell you that he is faithful, but he is not always faithful himself.

He may say that he is giving you all the attention you deserve, but he may be spending that attention on someone else.

You will have to make sure that his attention is on you and you alone.

This is the only way you will address the needs you are feeling within you.


You must always look to yourself to ensure that the affair and its aftermath are dealt with.


There is no magic way of dealing with the aftermath of an affair.

No matter how hard you try, no matter how much you want to make things right, ultimately, you are accountable for how you feel within yourself.

You cannot always rely on him to meet your needs. You will have to do this for yourself.

If you do not do this for yourself, you will continue to feel low and worthless. This is when you will need to find your inner strength and move forward.

If you wish to move forward, you must always ensure that the affair and its aftermath are dealt with.


why emotional affairs are hard to end


It would help if you always protected your emotions so that the feelings you have towards your husband do not grow in the process.

You must ensure that you are not holding onto pain and that you are not holding onto anger.

You must be making yourself feel alive and welcome within yourself.

You must periodically make sure that you are not holding onto your past. You must ensure that you are moving forward and looking to the future.

You must find your inner strength and self-assurance to ensure that the affair and its aftermath are dealt with. An interesting article here – My boyfriend cheated on me with his ex; click the link to read.


How do emotional affairs end? There is no weird way of dealing with the consequence of a relationship.


It is all about you and your own effort.

It is about moving on positively.

Once you do, you will begin to feel better, and then you will start to move in the right direction.

No matter how much you hate the affair, it will start to lose influence over you once you stop dwelling on it.

Once you feel your feelings, then you will be able to move forward.


How can you handle a cheating husband? How to confront a suspected cheating husband?


If you have to stop your paramour’s affair the wrong way, then avoid confrontation.

Your paramour has to leave you the right way. They cannot cheat on you. They may have to be aware of the fact that you have caught them in the act.

You may have to prevent the paramour from leaving you. When the paramour has to leave you, you may have to avoid violence.

This may mean that you have to tell your paramour about the fact and your paramour will leave you.


How do extramarital affairs end? Violence is not allowed.


Is it best to have your paramour confess their affair, or is it better to let them leave you?

To be honest, you have to decide on your own. What is the right thing to do? Is it the best thing to confess your paramour’s affair?

Is it better to let them leave you?

Let them leave you – Is this the right thing to do?

If you are a good person, you should let them leave you if you are a better person because you have caught them in the act.


When is the right time? How can you tell when the right time is?


What is the right thing to do? When is the right time to end the affair? How can you tell when the right time is? What are the consequences?

You can’t just take your paramour to a location and expect the right time to confess their affair.

It can’t happen. They have to have the courage to confess.

They have to admit while walking away. They have to recognize before you have physically caught them in the act.

No one else can say the words. No one else can confront them with their crime.

So, I will be straightforward and honest. As a Christian, I know. I’ve been caught in the act, confessed, walked away, forgiven, and I was back in the game the next day.

And you know what?

As a player, I would do it again. We’re all humans. We all make mistakes. And no one is perfect.


breaking off an affair


Getting back to “I” – The Key to saving your marriage


So, if you’re trying to get your cheating spouse to stop cheating, the best way to do it is to focus on making yourself attractive to your cheating spouse.

And by that, I mean to improve the things that make you not appealing to your cheating spouse.

Increase your self worth, improve your looks, get a new hairstyle, get a new wardrobe, improve your grooming, improve your manners, improve your conversational skills, learn a new language, improve yourself spiritually, become more interested in your kids, become a better parent, become a better spouse, become a better friend, become a better co worker, become a better dad, become a better son…

become a better daughter, become a better neighbor, become a better son in your parents’ marriage, become a better dad in your parents’ marriage, become a better son in your parents’ home, become a better neighbor in your parents’ neighborhood…

become more confident with your body, work on being more confident with your eyes, achieve a new level of fitness, achieve a new level of cool, accomplish a new level of cool with your hands, reach a new level of cool with your feet, accomplish a new level of cool with your head…

achieve a new level of cool with your smile, achieve a new level of cool with your laugh, accomplish a new level of cool with your laughter, accomplish a new level of charisma, be interested in the things that interest you, be interested in the people that interest you, be interested in the things that affect others…

become involved in new activities, lose your boredom, lose your obsession with the past, become involved in new things, lose your attachment to the past, become involved in new things, lose your devotion to the past, achieve a new level of confidence, achieve a new level of being cool.


How to be cool to make your cheating partner desire you Again.


The first time, you will need to remind yourself to think about how easily your affair started weeks or months ago.

There are actually quite a few times in your life where you need to become cool again.

Let me give you some examples.


when affairs turn to love


One example is when you’re in a relationship with someone who may be cheating on you.

It’s entirely possible that the person you’re in a relationship with may be cheating on you.


How do you become cool again when that may be the case?


Well, you must forget about your current situation, your feelings, and your relationships with this other person, and you must love yourself.

Once you learn to love yourself, you love the reasons that you are the way you are.

Once you learn to love the way you are, you can love others as you wish, no matter the reasons for them being the way they are.


Become cool with yourself to save your marriage.


If you have been unfaithful in your marriage, stop yourself from becoming angry with yourself for your current situation.

When you’re in a relationship with someone who may be cheating on you, become interested in your own feelings.

The truth is that cheating can destroy marriages, and it can happen whether or not you suspect your spouse of cheating.

The best solution is to stop cheating, learn to love yourself, love others as you wish, stop trying to “be someone else,” and commit to yourself, love, and accept yourself.

When you stop comparing yourself to others, you stop needing to compare others to yourself.

When you stop needing to compare others to yourself, you stop wanting to be someone else (interesting stuff here; click the link to open a new window in your pre-existing browser).

When you stop wanting to be someone else, you stop seeking others in all things (fascinating stuff here; click this link).


asian woman


Frequently Asked Questions


How do you end an affair when you’re in love?

I know how tough it can be to be in an affair while still in love. In fact, I went through it. It’s one of the most challenging experiences of my life. However, what saved me from giving up was my partner.

How to end an affair when you are both married?

I am sure you are wondering how to stop an affair and save your marriage simultaneously. It can be not easy, and it is undoubtedly not something that should be taken lightly. This blog post has already explained some ways that you can go about doing this.

When it’s time to end an affair?

You can’t end an affair. When it’s time to stop a liaison? You can’t end an affair. There is no such thing. A relationship is a relationship, and a marriage is a marriage. Nothing can change that. When it’s time to end an affair? It’s the beginning of the end when the cheater says he or she wants to end it.

How to end an affair with your married boss?

My wife and I were facing this situation a few years ago. Both of us were caught in the worst extramarital affair in our marriage history. We desperately tried to save our marriage but to no avail. After months of failed attempts, we thought we had to think of something else. We figured there was no choice but to try to save our marriage by ourselves.breakdance in the evening

How to end an affair with your best friend?

I’ve always thought of a friend as a person who also happens to be a friend. There is no other alternative of looking at it, as friends have a common interest. But you don’t have just to let the relationship go with an ‘I love you.’ The real key to ending an affair is to find out WHY the partner decided to cheat. Was it a one-time occurrence, or is it habitual? It would be best if you got to the bottom of it to be then able to determine whether to end the affair.




PS. Please, consider my words and advice and wise considerations as a personal opinion, nothing else. I am no guru, and, unfortunately, I cannot guarantee happiness (in wealth or marriage or happiness or mental health, whatever situation; if you are thinking about serious consequences, see a lawyer, please; my advice or words or jokes or whatever couldn’t in any way or form replace a thorough qualified legal opinion; act very wisely, please).

Disclaimers. The featured image is from Pixabay, featured in Canva; a great thanks to everyone for their excellent work! If you could give me some Twitter share, a YoutubeInstagram, or a Facebook share or other social media, it would help a lot! An affiliate disclosure is on the disclaimer page.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog post, ’How To End An Affair Without Losing Your Memorable Bliss.’ The images were used from the “Captiva Collection,” Wedding, Pregnancy People (1), and Romance by David Watson (I’ve got the copyright). All rights reserved.

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